Free, Simple, Looks Pro & Legit. My friend receive $, so I just give it a try.



Linked Text Hover Tips

Put this in your style definition:
a:hover {text-decoration:underline; color:#036;}

Remove Color Visited Link

Put this in your style definition:
a {color:#036}

Remove Underlined from Linked Text

Put this in your style definition:
a {text-decoration:none}


HP-UX ping source quench

Set "Source quench" to 0 as "ndd -set /dev/ip ip_send_souce_quench 0" and include this parameter inside "nddconf" file.


out of recovery mode

15 sec of power & home button
2 sec of power button


Privilege separation user sshd does not exist

/sbin/init.d # ./secsh start
Privilege separation user sshd does not exist


/sbin/init.d # useradd -u 103 -c "sshd privsep" -d /var/empty -s /bin/false sshd

if you want to specify group, -g yourproblem


console login service(s) cannot run

I screwed up with milestone

# svcadm milestone -d all


Fusion Can Explode

WARNING: Do not ever put your MacBook in the bag while sleeping IF you have VMWare Fusion running. It'll burn or may explode! Because I did zipped it in my bag for say 30 minutes and the heat just scares shit out of me.


iPhone icons arrangement



./isempty.sh[3]: test: Specify a parameter with this command.

Ok I know test wants parameter. But how? Roasted? Half cooked?

if [ -n $NAME ]; then echo not empty!
else echo it is empty!
echo "name: \c"
read name
isempty $name

I feel there is a proper way than to append 2>/dev/null


Color Code

"default" : "\033[m",
# styles
"bold" : "\033[1m",
"underline" : "\033[4m",
"blink" : "\033[5m",
"reverse" : "\033[7m",
"concealed" : "\033[8m",
# font colors
"black" : "\033[30m",
"red" : "\033[31m",
"green" : "\033[32m",
"yellow" : "\033[33m",
"blue" : "\033[34m",
"magenta" : "\033[35m",
"cyan" : "\033[36m",
"white" : "\033[37m",
# background colors
"on_black" : "\033[40m",
"on_red" : "\033[41m",
"on_green" : "\033[42m",
"on_yellow" : "\033[43m",
"on_blue" : "\033[44m",
"on_magenta" : "\033[45m",
"on_cyan" : "\033[46m",
"on_white" : "\033[47m"



echo escape sequences

\a write an alert character
\b backspace
\c print line without appending a new-line
\f form-feed
\n new-line
\r carriage return
\t tab
\v vertical tab
\\ backslash
\n the 8-bit character whose ASCII code is the 1-, 2-, 3-
or 4-digit octal number n, whose first character must
be a zero.
\0num write an 8-bit value that is the zero-, one-, two- or
three-digit octal number num

Adding Space to an ESX Server Virtual Disk

ESX 3.5. Use clone to backup. Go into the vm directory which suppose to be in the corrected data store directory. Grep scsi on *vmx file to identify which disk u want to extend. First one should be C: and second should be D: etc etc.

# vmkfstools -X 60G virtualdiskiwanttoextend.vmdk

Refer here. Careful with the number you choose. Above example means change the disk capacity to 60GB, not by 60GB.


connect to win share with specific user

net use z: \\ /user:username password

How you guys partition 1TB disk?

Backup done. My 1TB (with firewire) disk is ready to get restructured. For this, I really hope anyone who notice this post, to recommend, or tell their experience and self-best opinion on how should a large disk structure looks like (ignore mirroring). Starting with me..

1. Backup
2. Disc image, a size of DL DVD
3. Documents
4. VMs

Thank you for your support!


Enable Appear Offline / Invisible in Office Communicator 2007

The DWORD name is EnableAppearOffline, type is REG_DWORD and location is

My Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Communicator.


I Love Shortcuts!

Annotation - ALT+CTRL+M
Auto Format - ALT+CTRL+K
Auto Text - F3 or ALT+CTRL+V
Bookmark - CTRL+SHIFT+F5
Copy Format - CTRL+SHIFT+C
Copy Text - SHIFT+F2
Create Auto Text - ALT+F3
Date Field - ALT+SHIFT+D
Delete Back Word - CTRL+BACKSPACE
Delete Word - CTRL+DELETE
Dictionary - ALT+SHIFT+F7
Do Field Click - ALT+SHIFT+F9
Doc Maximize - CTRL+F10
Doc Move - CTRL+F7
Doc Restore - CTRL+F5
Doc Size - CTRL+F8
Grow Font - CTRL+SHIFT+.
Grow Font One Point - CTRL+]
Hanging Indent - CTRL+T
Header Footer Link - ALT+SHIFT+R
Help - F1
Hyperlink - CTRL+K
Indent - CTRL+M
Justify Para - CTRL+J
Left Para - CTRL+L
Line Up Extend - SHIFT+UP
List Num Field - ALT+CTRL+L
Outline - ALT+CTRL+O
Outline Collapse - ALT+SHIFT+- or ALT+SHIFT+NUM -
Outline Demote - ALT+SHIFT+RIGHT
Outline Expand - ALT+SHIFT+=
Outline Expand - ALT+SHIFT+NUM +
Outline Move Down - ALT+SHIFT+DOWN
Outline Move Up - ALT+SHIFT+UP
Outline Promote - ALT+SHIFT+LEFT
Outline Show First Line - ALT+SHIFT+L
Lock Fields - CTRL+3 or CTRL+F11
Web Go Back - ALT+LEFT
Web Go Forward - ALT+RIGHT
Word Left - CTRL+LEFT
Word Left Extend - CTRL+SHIFT+LEFT
Word Right - CTRL+RIGHT


SSH through SOCKS proxy

compile connect source and put to any bin
add to ssh config file:
Host *
ProxyCommand connect -S socks.proxy.la %h %p

SSH through SOCKS proxy

compile connect source and put to any bin
add to ssh config file:
Host *
ProxyCommand connect -S socks.proxy.la %h %p

iPhone Tethering

  1. establish wifi connection (comp + iphone)
  2. run socks (3proxy) from mobileterminal
  3. surf anything from mobile safari to establish EDGE
  4. set browser's socks proxy with iphone IP address & port 1080
  5. if firefox, additional step: set network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to true
iPhoneModem app is annoying
  1. establish wifi connection (comp + iphone)
  2. run socks (3proxy) from mobileterminal
  3. surf anything from mobile safari to establish EDGE
  4. set browser's socks proxy with iphone IP address & port 1080
  5. if firefox, additional step: set network.proxy.socks_remote_dns to true
iPhoneModem app is annoying

How to change MySQL user password

at the "mysql>" prompt, type:
set password = password("yournewpassword");

*I always forget this, I need to jot down*


Clippy! I miss thou!!

I thought it was a restriction or expired evaluation time but its NOT!
They have replaced the way to show copy & paste button to by holding
[123] even for copying an sms, you need to hold them. Thank God Clippy
is back!

Sent from my iPhone

It's been long since we had a picture posted here.. Wait, had we?


Now currently converting 2 laptops to Ubuntu. Lately I've been
promoting solution to run Windows on VirtualBox. The catch is of
course, less virus threat & VB snapshot. Compiz effect also gives
bonus to attraction.

P/s: mood is unhappy because my huge hfs filesystem is corrupt due to
improper usb removal



I always have the feeling that huge sms.db will slow down SMS application startup. So I created a script to be run in Terminal and I wish I can do an application for this.


# backup-sms.sh
# Created by amanyus on 2/2/09.
# Copyright 2009 __MyCompanyName__. All rights reserved.

DATE=`date +%y%m%d`
echo "${DATE}"
if test -f /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db.$DATE
then echo "Today's backup already exists."; exit; fi
if ! test -f /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db.$DATE
then cp -npv /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db.$DATE; fi
ls -lrt /var/mobile/Library/SMS/
if test -f /var/mobile/Library/SMS/sms.db.$DATE
then echo "Today's backup successful"; fi


Update: Something fishy here. Applications installed by Cydia do not appear on the springboard...

Aperture: A tiny thing that saves a lot of time.

Just for expressing an excitement. A new thing I just discovered and love about Aperture.

I have a lot of pictures and my last trip to Langkawi produced more than 1700 shots - and my mother wants them ALL! So as I started to export hundreds of pictures, I went through one by one to reject bad photos - even the exporting is still running (right now). Suddenly I came to a photo that attracts me. After a simple edit, I decided to upload it to Flickr and this is the good part. I don't have to wait for the earlier exporting process to complete before exporting a new picture. It really saves my time.

What a good software design in customer point of view!